City of Marianna
To support physical and economic recovery in Marianna, the Recovery and Resiliency Partnership Project (R2P2) provided technical assistance by developing strategies and design concepts that bolster resiliency to stormwater impacts, improve quality of life and support sustainable redevelopment.
The final report provides a summary of the design concepts and is available to download HERE!
An appendix of additional information and resources to support the implementation of these design concepts is available to download here!
Draft Design Concepts
Community input was gathered on the draft design concepts described below. Please click on the link about to see the final report.
1. Project Overview
Learn more about Recovery and Resiliency Partnership Projects technical assistance to support the city’s vision for long-term economic recovery:
* Watch Project Overview Video

2. Downtown Corridor
View potential improvements to the downtown corridor:
* Watch a brief video presentation
You can also view an electronic copy of the Poster that is on display at City Hall.
3. West End Gateway
View potential improvements to the West End corridor (Penn Avenue):
* Watch a brief video presentation
You can also view an electronic copy of the Poster that is on display at City Hall.
4. Assets & Connectivity
View options to improve connectivity of community assets:
* Watch a brief video presentation
You can also view an electronic copy of the posters on display at City Hall.
Assets and County Connections Poster
5. Kelson Ave Drainage
View options to address stormwater management and improve access to the Chipola River:
* Watch a brief video presentation
You can also view an electronic copy of the posters on display at City Hall.
6. Sustainable Strategies
Check out this poster for more information about sustainability strategies and safe bike/pedestrian connections that are integrated across the design concepts.
If you have any questions or need assistance with content provided on this web page, please contact Alisa Hefner via email. Questions for the City of Marianna can be directed to Kay Dennis via email or (850) 482-2786.
Options to Participate
All options to participate will cover the same information and design concepts, just different ways to engage! Please find the option that works best for you!
Virtual Open House
June 2-29, 2020
Participate online when convenient
Please view the design concepts on this page and complete an online survey to provide your feedback.
City Hall Comment Box
June 2-29, 2020
See the project designs displayed in the corridors of City Hall
Visit City Hall to view posters of the design options and provide your comments.
City Commission Workshop
June 2, 2020 (completed)
Presentation and public comment
5:00pm – 6:00pm CDT
Visit the City’s website for information on how to join the meeting.